Rose and Sage Smudge Sticks

Smudging Guide


SMUDGING: A Wand made a various dried leaves and herbs that produces fragrant smoke when burned.  Used in sacred ceremonies.  This practice dates back to ancient time when rituals were performed.  Smudging removes negative energies and cleanse the space.

HOW TO: Simply light the end of the wand and blow out the flame.  Wave the smoke starting in the eastern part of the home (Since you are banishing negative energies, you always want to smudge in a counterclockwise direction). To bring good positive energy into your space, move in a clockwise direction across doorways and into shadow spaces. To maintain the atmosphere of ritual, keep repeating the chant in your mind as you disperse the smoke. Once the space is cleared, allow the sage bundle to burn out.

Now that you know what Smudge Stick is, and how to use it, let's take a look at some types we can make.

Simple Sage.. To bless, Heal and Cleanse anything or anyone.

Sage & Rose:  Looking to hook your love?  Try using this combo to cast some magic love spells.  

Sage & Lavender:  Needing some positive energy to come your way!  Look no further this is the wand for good juju and manifesting greatness.

Sage & Eucalyptus:  Need an energy boost?  Here you go.  Increase your mental clarity and enjoy the emotional balance it will bring to you.

Sage & Chamomile:  Looking for some tranquility and financial luck?  This is the wand for you.

Remember, smudging is sacred.  Enjoy learning about different methods and enjoy the journey. xx

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